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Secure Form

Patient Registration


Insurance Information


Do you have dental insurance?


Do you have medical insurance?

Medical and Dental History

Leave blank if the answer is no.

Are you currently under the care of a physician or specialist?

Have you had a serious illness, operation, or been hospitalized in the past 2 year?

Please select all that you currently have or have had:

Do you have a medical condition that requires an antibiotic before dental treatment?

Have you taken or are you currently taking Foxamax, bisphosphonates, or any other drug for osteoporosis?

Are you currently taking any blood thinners?


Please select any you have had a reaction to:

Do you like your smile?

Have you ever wanted to whiten your smile?

Do you use an electric toothbursh?

Please select all you have had or currently have:

Women Only

HIPAA Compliance Patient Consent

Our Notice of Privacy Practice provides information about how we may use or disclose protected health information. 

The notice contains a patient’s right section describing your right under the law. 
You ascertain that by your signature that you have reviewed our notice before signing this consent. 
The term of the notice may change, if so you will be notified at your next visit to update your signature/date.
You have the right to restrict how your protected health information is used and disclosed for treatment, payment or healthcare operations. We are not required to agree with this restriction but if we do we shall honor this agreement. The HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act of 1996) law allows for the use of the information for treatment, payment, or health care operations. 
By signing this form, you sonnet to our use and disclosure of your protected healthcare information and potentially anonymous usage in a publication. You have the right to revoke this consent in writing, signed by you. However, such a revocation will not be retroactive. 
By signing this form, I understand that. 
  • Protected health information may be disclosed or used for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. 
  • The practice reserves the right to change the privacy policy as allowed by the law. 
  • The practice has the right to restrict the use of the information, but the practice does not have to agree to those restrictions. 
  • The patient has the right to revoke this consent in writing at any time and all full disclosures will then cease.
  • The practice may condition receipt of treatment upon execution of this consent. 
Protecting the privacy of our patients is crucial; therefore, we ask that anyone accompanying a patient remain in the waiting area. 

May we phone, email, or send a text to you regarding your appointment?

May we send e-statements in regards to your account?

May we leave a message on your answering machine or voicemail?

May we discuss your medical or dental condition with anyone other than yourself?

May we discuss your financial or billing information with anyone other than yourself?